Instruct-ERIC Newsletter
Winter 2023

2023 saw Instruct-ERIC’s highest ever demand for access to advanced structural biology techniques. More than 230 proposals were submitted, demonstrating the constantly increasing need and importance of cutting-edge structural biology research. This state of the art technology includes advances in NMR, cryo-EM, and crystallography techniques, as well as the continuing fusion of structural biology and AI.


Latest Instruct-ERIC News

Instruct-ERIC Funded Access Call Reopening

The Instruct-ERIC Funded access call will reopen 8 January 2024, providing funded access to structural biology technology for researchers in member countries and organisations. Self-funded access will continue to be available once the call reopens, as will funded opportunities through partner projects.

UK Rejoins Horizon Europe

The UK rejoined the EU Horizon Europe scheme, which will significantly strengthen Instruct-ERIC when applying for project funding, putting an end to lingering uncertainty around UK-based institutions applying for this funding.

Find out more here.

Global Dimension and Sustainability of Research Infrastructures.

The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU held a conference on the global importance and context of research infrastructures. Instruct-ERIC attended, outlining their activities and existing collaborations with international partners, as well as plans for the future.

Upcoming Structural Biology Events

The Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference will be taking place in Cascais, Portugal, 22-24 May.

The final iNext-Discovery Consortium Meeting and 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM will be held in Brno, Czech Republic, 10-13 June.


Instruct-ERIC Science Highlights

Instruct-NL Uncovers Potential New Antibiotic


The team at the Bijvoet Center, part of Instruct-NL, have been working on developing potential new antibiotics with low resistance. Clovibactin is the latest potential drug, extracted from soil samples and its structure examined by the ssNMR available at the facility.

Read more.

Instruct-UK and AI: Generating SARS-CoV-2 Drug Targets


Diamond Light Source and IBM combined to identify more than 800,000 potential SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors, using AI to pull the list down to just a couple of hundred. The final screening process found two significant inhibitors, from a process started by AI generative modelling.

Read more.


Centre Updates


Diamond Light Source has announced that it will receive funding of more than £500 million for planned upgrades to the synchrotron. This will allow Diamond to continue to advance and upgrade its offering to structural biology users, and plans to eventually create Diamond-II.


A new focused ion beam scanning electron microscope, the Helios Hydra V, and a new Glacios Plasma-FIB/SEM microscope, are available for service at cryo-electron microscopy and tomography core facility (CEMCOF) at CEITEC in Instruct-CZ.

Read more.


The Instruct Image Processing Center in Madrid held from December 12-15. the Instruct Course on Cryo-Electron Tomography Image Processing provided participants with an in-depth understanding of the image processing pipeline in electron tomography, marking a significant advancement in the field of structural biology. Read more.


Project Updates

Project Open Calls

Researchers can receive funded access to Instruct-ERIC facilities and services through our partner projects canSERV (cancer-related research) and iNEXT-Discovery (translational research). These calls are due to close in 2024, so make sure you apply for access soon!

ERIC Forum 2

The ERIC Forum 2 project has kicked off, bringing together all ERICs alongside Instruct to develop research infrastructures further and improve their offerings to the scientific community. Instruct is leading the work package on internationalisation, providing an opportunity for increased activity with global partners.


The AI4Life project offers solutions and support in machine learning opportunities for life scientists. The second open call provides technical and computational support to structural biology researchers utilising AI for image analysis - this second call will open in January.

Instruct-ERIC also selected it's winners of the Image Competition - see both below!


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