Instruct-ERIC Newsletter
Summer 2023

Instruct-ERIC is proud to be the central network and community for structural biology in Europe, providing access to structural biology infrastructure for researchers worldwide, and giving funding for access for scientists based in our member countries and organisations. 2023 so far has seen an expansion to the Instruct-ERIC family, and there is potential for more countries to join as the year progresses.


Latest Instruct-ERIC News

New Members: Greece and Slovenia

In May, Greece and Slovenia joined the Instruct-ERIC Consortium, taking the total number of Member Countries and Organisations to 16. Now, as of July, researchers from these countries can receive funded access to advanced structural biology services through Instruct, as well as training programmes, R&D funding, and internships. Find out more.

Instruct-ERIC Council

Sarah Butcher has been elected as the new Chair and Jose Maria Carazo Vice-Chair of the Instruct-ERIC Council, building on their years of experience as part of the Instruct community. They succeed Eric Guittet of CNRS, who had been Council Chair for 4 years. Find out more.

New Projects Funded

Several new Horizon Europe projects involving Instruct-ERIC have been approved for funding! FHERITALE, EU-LAC ResInfra Plus, EOSC-Beyond, and ERIC Forum 2 will all begin soon, and will provide an opportunity for Instruct and its centres to establish themselves further on the global stage. See current projects here.


Instruct-ERIC Science Highlights

New insights into antibody response to COVID-19 from Instruct-BE



Four studies utilised the Robotein facility (part of Instruct-BE) for protein production and biomolecular analysis of COVID-19 samples taken from vulnerable demographics – determining the efficacy of the mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in these groups. Read more.

Understanding the Structure and Significance of Natural Killer Cell Receptor-Ligand Complexes


This Instruct R&D project saw researchers from Charles University and BIOCEV (Instruct-CZ) access advanced instrumentation at Diamond Light Source (Instruct-UK) and IGBMC (Instruct-FR1) to characterise and understand the structure of Natural Killer cell receptor NKR-P1, in complex with its ligand, LLT1. Read more.


Centre Updates


CERM conducted a training course on NMR for combatting diseases: from cancer to SARS-CoV-2. This course presented an overview of modern NMR techniques by combining theoretical lectures and practical sessions at NMR spectrometers and/or workstations. Find out more about the course and Instruct-IT here.


EMBL IC in Heidelberg cryo-electron microscopy team, led by Dr. Simone Mattei, successfully determined the structure of the bacterial translating ribosome at 1.55 Å resolution. Find out more about the project, and equipment available at EMBL Heidelberg here.


I2PC of Instruct-ES have conducted several workshops and on image processing, and single particle analysis. These courses have helped to provide a foundation of expertise amongst attendees in cryo-EM analysis, and bring forth a new wave of 3D structural biologists! Find out more about the course.


Project Updates


The Fragment-Screen project is now underway, having kicked off in March in Frankfurt. The project will develop innovative instrumentation, workflows and experimental and computational methodologies to accelerate the development of new pharmaceuticals using the approach of fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD). Find out more.


The canSERV project provides cutting edge, interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum. It launched an open call in February for Service Provision on ”Advancing Personalised Oncology”, and will be opening another call later in the Summer to fund access to infrastructure for cancer projects. Find out more about canSERV.


The ISIDORe project continues to provide access to research infrastructure services, and currently has several open calls. Find out more about the calls and apply here:

- Risk Group 4 Pathogens

- Respiratory Pathogens

- Vector-borne Pathogens and their Vectors

- Other Pathogens with Epidemic Potential