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About Electron Microscopy, Weizmann Institute, Israel

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CryoSTEM and CryoTEM tomography on a Tecnai F20 with Quantum/K2 camera and BF/DF/HAADF STEM detectors.

Also room temperature STEM tomography of thick plastic sections.

Service Availability:


Instruments Available:

Arctica microscope (200kV) with Falcon IV camera, and Panther STEM detectors. 

Single particle data collection using TFS EPU software

CryoTEM tomography of thin samples (no energy filter) using TFS Tomography and MAPS software package (cryoCLEM targeting)

CryoSTEM tomography using TFS Tomography software or SerialEM.  


Cryo-STEM electron Microscopy and Tomography on Tecnai F20, with Dectris 4DSTEM camera, various STEM detectors, and SerialEM software

Instruct Centre

ISPC (WIS) Israel

Weizmann Institute

234 Herzl Street




Electron Microscopy, Weizmann Institute, Israel


Sharon Wolf
Sharon Wolf
The Weizmann Institute of Science
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Nadav Elad
Nadav Elad
The Weizmann Institute of Science
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