Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialised skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organisation. To facilitate access to these skills and capacities, TRANSVAC2 offers high-quality technical services to support the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for both human and animal use. These services, which include Instruct-ERIC structural biology services, are not restricted to any disease area. Services will be offered free of charge, with few exceptions. Academic and non-academic research groups, SMEs and industries can apply.
The TRANSVAC2 TNA call is open, providing a wide range of services designed to help researchers across Europe in vaccine research and development. The Horizon 2020 project supports innovation for both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine development.
Instruct-ERIC is offering its services as part of the call, providing access to researchers along the structural biology pathway, TNA 6.
To receive TRANSVAC2 funding, apply for the call via the TRANSVAC2 website.
Your TRANSVAC2 applications will be peer-reviewed; accepted proposals will receive access to research infrastructures for vaccine research and development.
The deadline for proposals is 10 August 2021. For more information, visit the TRANSVAC2 Application Guide.