Adding a service/technology to a centre

Adding a new service/technology requires the machine/method (i.e. experimental apparatus or software to be used in the service) to have already been set up. If the machine/method for the new service has not yet been set up please see adding a new machine/method first.

  1. Go to and login.
  2. Click on "Your Admin" on the ARIA bar at the bottom of the page. (If you cannot see this then you can access the page via
  3. Click on the "Configuration" cog-shaped icon. Note that this is not the same as the cog icon beside "Edit profile"
  4. Click on "Service/Technology", then "Add Service".
  5. Select the service "Type" from the dropdown menu or by typing in the text box to search for a service "Type". The service type you select will determine where the added service will appear within the service/technology catalogue. If no appropriate service/technology type exists please contact us. Or if you are an administrator see the guide Adding a new service/technology type.
  6. Type the name of your service. The preferred format for this is "Service name, place (city/institution), Country".
  7. Provide a short description of the service.
  8. Select the format of the service provision. The options are:
    • "One machine/method used per access only" - this option is used where an access user will use only a single machine/method, and use that machine/method only once, as part of a single access visit.
    • "One or more machines/methods used per access" - this option is used when a user may use multiple machines/methods, or use a machine/method multiple times, as part of a single access visit.
    • "All machines/methods used per access" - this option is used when the service uses an experimental pipeline which requires the use of multiple machines/methods to provide the service.
  9. Add a User Guide to the service.
  10. Select one or more machines/methods associated with the service from the dropdown list. If the machine/method has not yet been added to ARIA it must be added before it can be selected as part of the service. For information on adding machines/methods to ARIA please see Adding machines/methods to ARIA.
  11. Click the checkbox "User-selectable machines/methods:" to allow the user to decide a machine/method to access themselves. This is done by the user during their proposal submission.
  12. Select "Funding Available" (This is the access route for the service e.g. Instruct) using the dropdown menu. Multiple funding/access routes can be selected using this dropdown menu. Selected items appear dark teal coloured in the dropdown list, and appear as comma separated items in the text box. Note: If you do not select Instruct as "Available Funding" then the service/technology will not appear in the catalogue for users applying for Instruct access.
  13. Select administrators for the service from the list of ARIA users by typing in the box and clicking to select the desired ARIA user(s) to be administrators. Multiple administrators can be selected. Selected items appear dark teal coloured in the dropdown list, and appear as comma separated items in the text box.
  14. Upload an image for your service using the image upload box.
  15. Click "Add Item" to save the service/technology created, and add the service/technology to the catalogue.