Partner Project Videos

Instruct-ERIC has a long history of working with European projects, part of the ESFRI and Horizon programmes. From access provision and communication toolkits to intercontinental collaboration and data management, Instruct has been involved in some of the most successful European projects. Take a look at our latest project videos.


Alejandro Buschiazzo: EU-LAC ResInfra

The EU-LAC ResInfra project brought together European and Latin American research infrastructures, to explore how to advance bi-regional collaboration - including staff exchanges. One of these saw Alejandro Buschiazzo of IP Montevideo visit CNB-CSIC in Madrid throughout 2022.

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Roberto Salinas: EU-LAC ResInfra

Another of the EU-LAC ResInfra Staff Exchanges saw Roberto Salinas of University Sao Paulo conduct a staff exchange for 6 months at the Bijvoet Centre in Utrecht.

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RI-VIS project

The RI-VIS project, coordinated by Instruct-ERIC, enhanced visibility of research infrastructures across Europe, as well as initiating links with RIs in other global regions, and boosting visibility and collaboration with new organisations

Explore RI-VIS