Fourth Instruct International Call

This call is open to staff from all Instruct Centres and from institutions holding a Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Instruct-ERIC or are in the process to sign an agreement in the next 12 months. The call is intended to nurture seed interactions that could develop into stronger collaborations as exchanges proceed.


In the last few years, Instruct-ERIC has strengthened its international strategy though collaborations with different institutions that are formalised though MoUs. These agreements consider a large range of possible joint actions, such as training, development of best practices, strategies for open access and infrastructure access.


Funding is available to support up to 6 exchanges. Successful projects will receive up to 5000 Euros to cover travel, accommodation and other direct costs for their exchange.


For more information about the range of services available via this call please visit our catalogue. To apply you must belong to one of the institutions listed below and upload an application online.

Call Submission Guidelines

The institutions eligible are:  

All Instruct Centres


Latin America 

  • Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR, Argentina)  
  • Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata  (INIBIOLP, Argentina)  
  • Instituto de Química y Fisicoquímica Biológicas (IQUIFIB, Argentina) 
  • University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) 
  • University of San Martín (UNSAM, Argentina) 
  • Leloir Institute Foundation (Argentina) 
  • The Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP, Brazil)  
  • Centro de Biología Estructural (CBE, Venezuela)  
  • Institut Pasteur Montevideo (Uruguay)  
  • Universidad de la República (UdelaR, Uruguay) 
  • Brazilian Centre for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM, Brazil) 


  • University of Cape Town (UCT, South Africa) 


  • Others institutions in the process to sign an agreement in the next 12 months. Contact for more information on establishing an MOU for your institute, or your host institute.

Call Closes:
29-Aug-2024 23:00 CEST

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

To submit a proposal you must login.
