We are calling colleagues from Instruct-ERIC Centres and Instruct-ERIC research sites to submit proposals for organisation of courses and other training events that promote structural biology knowledge. Instruct-ERIC will award financial support for successful applications.
Who can apply: Events can be organised either by Instruct-ERIC Centres or Instruct-ERIC research sites* (in Instruct countries without an Instruct Centre, with representatives of the Instruct-ERIC Centre being part of the scientific organising committee of the course). Courses may be organised in collaboration with other organisations or institutions; the rationale and detail of any collaborative component of the course should be made explicit in the application. Courses co-organised with industrial partners are encouraged.
Requirements: The courses can be organised either face to face or remotely and scheduled to take place in 2023. The venue for face-to-face courses can be located at different locations than the centres, provided that the location is relevant for Instruct-ERIC policy planned, organised, and led by Instruct Centres or by approved Instruct research sites* (in Instruct countries without an Instruct Centre). The quality of training is the main criteria, and the Instruct-ERIC Training Committee will exercise their discretion to uphold this above all other considerations. Particularly for the virtual courses, applications should explain how the interactions with students will be managed. Applications showcasing integrative approaches to structural biology are encouraged.
Courses could be either theoretical, or include practical training. For courses organised remotely special care should be given on how the practical aspect can be managed.
Financial support: Courses may be funded by Instruct-ERIC with up to 12000 Euros. *
How to apply: Please submit your proposal online which includes the details reported in the guidelines. For help, please contact us directly at support@instruct-eric.org
Deadline for proposal submission is 25th November 2022.
*Institutions in Instruct member countries (which do not already support an Instruct Centre) that are judged to provide an environment and the expertise to host high quality training courses and workshops, will be approved as Instruct research sites. These shall be considered a step towards the development of an Instruct Centre and will serve to focus for Instruct activities in the member country.
Guidelines for Instruct Courses (Including Remote Training)
All Instruct supported training courses should adhere to the following guidelines:
Instruct training courses for consideration of the Training Committee and supported by central Instruct funding should:
a. Include the word Instruct in the title
b. Submitted by Instruct Centres or Instruct Research sites*
c. Promote either an integrated approach of structural biology techniques or in depth training of specific techniques. An emphasis should be given on cutting edge techniques that are not covered in the standard undergraduate curriculum.
d. Courses could be either theoretical, or include practical training.
e. Requested support should be at maximum 12.000 €
The criteria for Instruct courses are:
Courses should have a webpage with the following relevant information (this can be on the Instruct website – contact support@instruct-eric.org, and/or on your institutional website. If the latter, a link for the Instruct website must be provided):
8. Proposal submission
Proposals are submitted online via Instruct-ERIC website (link to submission) and requires to be registered to ARIA.
Make sure that the proposal includes also the following details:
*Institutions in Instruct member countries (which do not already support an Instruct Centre) that are judged to provide an environment and the expertise to host high quality training courses and workshops, will be approved as Instruct research sites. These shall be considered a step towards the development of an Instruct Centre and will serve to focus for Instruct activities in the member country.