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Second Instruct International Access Call

A joint action with EU-LAC ResInfra and iNEXT-Discovery


Instruct-ERIC, in a joint action with EU-LAC ResInfra and iNEXT-Discovery, launched its Second International Access Call. This call was open to researchers from institutions holding a Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with Instruct-ERIC and is intended to nurture seed interactions that could develop into stronger collaborations as projects proceed.


This Call is now closed



In the last few years, Instruct-ERIC has strengthened its international strategy though collaborations with different institutions that are formalised though MoUs. These agreements consider a large range of possible joint actions, such as training, development of best practices, strategies for open access and, additionally, infrastructure access.

The main goal of the EU-LAC ResInfra project, 'Towards a new EU-CELAC partnership in Research Infrastructures', is to enhance the bi-regional collaboration regarding Research Infrastructures - promoting the exchange of experiences, staff and access provision between regions.

Funding is available to support up to 8 projects by providing research visits or remote access to any of our centres. Project proposals should select a single service from the Instruct-ERIC catalogue. Successful projects will receive reimbursement for sample shipping costs up to 400 EUR per project as well as funding towards infrastructure access, making it free of charge in most cases*. Note that due to the continuing global pandemic, most interactions are expected to be remote, depending on the circumstances.

For more information about the range of services available via this call please visit our catalogue.

The institutions eligible are: 

Latin America

  • Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR, Argentina) 
  • Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata (INIBIOLP, Argentina)
  • Instituto de Química y Fisicoquímica Biológicas (IQUIFIB, Argentina)
  • University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • University of San Martín (UNSAM, Argentina)
  • Leloir Institute Foundation (Argentina)
  • The Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP, Brazil)
  • Centro de Biología Estructural (CBE, Venezuela)
  • Institut Pasteur Montevideo (Uruguay)
  • Universidad de la República (UdelaR, Uruguay)


  • University of Cape Town (UCT, South Africa)

Applicants from Latin America are encouraged to contact the project Microbes, funded by CYTED, for a possible additional source of funding.

Call details:

Closed October 31st 2021 5pm CET

Review process: Proposals will be reviewed by a review panel comprising representatives from two Instruct Centres plus 1 representative of iNEXT-Discovery and 1 representative of EU-LAC ResInfra.

This Call is now closed


*Full access costs will be covered for visits/remote access to iNEXT Discovery facilities for successful applicants. For visits/remote access to Instruct-ERIC facilities which are not part of iNEXT Discovery, a funding contribution of up to 5K EUR towards the access costs will be provided by EU-LAC ResInfra and Instruct-ERIC. In cases where the access costs exceed 5K EUR the user may be asked to cover the extra costs from grants or other means, to be agreed before the work commences. For more information see or contact