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Service / Technology Instance

About Native Mass Spectrometry, Joensuu, Finland

UEF core facility offers two state-of-the-art mass spectrometers for versatile utilization of native mass spectrometry for studies of protein folding and assembly of biological macromolecules as well as for quantitative biological interaction studies with large dynamic range.

Service Availability:



Instruments Available:

Bruker 12-T Solarix XR (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer, equipped with ESI, nanoESI, APPI and APCI ionizations. Key features: mass range (m/z), 70-15,000 (up to ca. 500 kDa); mass error (RMS), <100 ppb; sensitivity, nM level (direct infusion); MS/MS techniques: CID, ECD/EDD, IRMPD; Dionex 3000 nano/cap HPLC-system; microchip based nanoESI robot (Advion Triversa Nanomate).

Bruker timsTOF (TIMS-QTOF) mass spectrometer, equipped with ESI, nanoESI, APPI, APCI, GC-APCI, and DIP ion sources. Key features: mass range (m/z) 20-40,000; mass error (RMS): <0.5 ppm; ion mobility resolution up to 200; MS/MS techniques: CID; Dionex 3000 nano/cap HPLC-system and Bruker 456 GC system. Ion mobility separates ions based on their size and shape. TIMS = trapped ion mobility spectrometry.

Thermo Q Exactive UHMR (hybrid quadruple-Orbitrap) mass spectrometer designed for high-mass native MS applications (e.g., large protein complexes, virus capsids, etc). Equipped with ESI and off-line nano-ESI for very low volume injections. Key features: mass range (m/z) 350-80,000 (up to 20-30 MDa); mass error < 1 ppm; resolving power up to 200,000 FWHM (at m/z 400); sensitivity, nM level (direct infusion); MS/MS techniques: CID, HCD; heavy collision gases (e.g. SF6) available for efficient desolvation of high-mass ions.

Instruct Centre

University of Eastern Finland

Department of Chemistry & Biocenter Kuopio

Yliopistokatu 7

FI-80101, Joensuu



Janne Jänis
Janne Jänis
University of Eastern Finland
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Mikko Laitaoja
Mikko Laitaoja
University of Eastern Finland
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