The EM platform at IBS provides access to a full range of instruments (three in total) for national and European users via FRISBI and Instruct respectively. This includes classical quality control negative staining experiment (Tecnai 12 EM) prior to setting up cryo conditions (F20 EM equipped for cryo and tomography). Data acquisition can also be carried out on the F20 EM. Our third EM: the Glacios is equipped with a direct electron detector ((Falcon II). The Glacios is able to do single particle imaging and single axis tomo.
The PF is also offering cellular EM service
We offer plastic embbeding ; tokuyasu method; high pressure freezing, immuno-labelling; ultra thin sectionning at room temperature and cryo. The slices can then be observed using a T12 or F20 electron microscope.
Negative staining, Cellular EM, Cryo-EM, cryo-Tomo
Negative staining, cellular EM Orius camera
High resolution single particle and tomography 200kV cryoTEM Glacios TFS.
TFS falcon 4i or Gatan K2 summit direct electron detectors and SerialEM, EPU or TOMO software.
Contact Guy Schoehn: