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Stephen Cusack: EMBL Grenoble


One of the great benefits of working for Instruct is the opportunity to work with fantastic people whose expertise and dedication makes it possible to deliver something as complex as a distributed infrastructure to scientists across the world.


Stephen Cusack pictured at the Instruct starting ceremony in 2012 (front row, far right).


During the preparatory phase in 2008, the team setting up the infrastructure needed to create a framework to offer the structural biology community access to the equipment and expertise they need in an increasingly complex landscape. Stephen Cusack role was critical, his knowledge and dedication is an inspiration to all involved.

As expected for such an ambitious enterprise, there have been difficult moments for our infrastructure over the years. Stephen’s commitment to the vision brought a sense of security, it was clearly worthwhile if Stephen thought so!

Beyond our core activities, Stephen has helped to kick start initiatives which are now central to Instruct: the Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference, training of early career researchers and research and development pilot scheme to name a few. It was fitting that Stephen was awarded the first edition of the Bertini Award to celebrate his contribution to integrated structural biology and Instruct.


Stephen receiving the first edition of the Ivano Bertini Award.


For the new generation of Instruct scientists shaping the future of Instruct, Stephen is a great example to follow and a source of inspiration for all.

Thank you Stephen!

Signed: Claudia Alén Amaro, Instruct Head of Operations


Stephen presenting at the Science in the Mountains meeting.