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​CORBEL Staff Exchange “Instruct ARIA introduction and adaptations for EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC”


August 14-17th, 2018 in Oxford (England), hosted by Instruct-ERIC.

In the CORBEL Project, transnational user access projects are implemented using the user-friendly online access management system (“ARIA”), which was developed by Instruct-ERIC. This system covers all administrative stages of the project including proposal submission, review, and project execution and reporting. To learn more about how this administration system for the management and tracking of user projects can be customised to the needs of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC, Katja Herzog visited the Instruct Hub in August. Katja got insights into all identifications, functionalities and feasible customisations in ARIA concerning proposal workflows, centre and technology configurations, access routes, forms, calls and surveys, management of administration and finances, possibility of a content-management system, booking calendar and network options. In a second step, Katja directly tested general features in the beta version of the ARIA system. Together with the Instruct team, Katja discussed the development of potential future features and the next steps for the implementation of ARIA for EU-OPENSCREEN.

“In addition to learning how to further streamline our project management and administrative workflows with ARIA, it was extremely helpful to get insights into the daily operations (legal/ financial/ outreach) of the Instruct Hub and to discuss administrative hurdles linked to the establishment of ERICs. Many thanks to the Instruct Hub team for this very insightful and well prepared staff exchange as well as the very warm welcome.”