As Director of the European research infrastructure consortium for integrated structural biology, Instruct-ERIC, and as professor of Goethe-University Frankfurt, I wish to make the following statement:
On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists carried out an unprecedented and brutal attack. The attack included the abduction of 240 civilians of all ages, ethnic groups & nationalities into Gaza. These events leave me truly heartbroken.
Instruct has 15 member states and 1 member organisation. Israel is a founding member of Instruct. We, as European scientists, have been conducting joint research for decades. In Instruct, we consider ourselves as a family of scientists, sharing our scientific ambitions and our views far beyond science.
My thoughts are with all innocent victims of the escalating conflict and their loved ones in the Middle East. We are in contact with our colleagues from Israel to continue our joint research projects and help in any way we can.
Prof. Dr. Harald Schwalbe, Instruct-ERIC, and Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.
I provide here the link to a statement by Robert Habeck related to the war. R. Habeck is the German minister for Economy. I am underwriting every sentence of this statement - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdZvkkpJaVI.