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LIMS (Laboratory Informations Management system)

Hi everybody,

Is anyone using a trustable LIMS software for the data management that you would recommend? We were using windows before, but it is very unefficient and so we were now trying to implement PIMs at our lab. We have found several problems with it that worry us, and we cannot get any feedback from PIMS developers, so if anyone is using it, could you please help us a bit? Otherwise, we are starting to think about alternatives... Can anyone sugest a good trustable LIMS that we can use in our platform, for data from cloning design to protein purification?



Posted on 04-Jun-2013 10:57 CEST

Hi Raquel,

we've had a thread for LIMS on the forum some time ago. Have a look:

Btw, did you check out the PIMS forum here

Maybe they could help with your problems.

I am looking for some software myself, ideally containing a lab notebook feature so you would not need to duplicate information from the paper notebook. I might have more information in a couple of weeks/months when we had a chance to see a demo of two (commerial) software packages.

Best regards


Posted on 04-Jun-2013 11:08 CEST

Thanks Hüseyin!

I did see the pims forum, but there's not much activity there, and also in the p4eu pimslims post, the comments there are quite old, and nobody seems to have tested LIMS extensively, except for Linda Lua who had just recently implemented the Labcollector... I was expecting that some more core facilities would be into the LIMS, and that we could share some feedback about it, but perhaps I'm wrong and LIMS just needs more time to develop...






Posted on 04-Jun-2013 15:29 CEST

Hi Raquel,

We are also searching for a LIMS and will try out LabCollector now for some of its database features, but I think it will not fulfill all of our needs for sample tracking.  You can talk to Sabine Suppmann in Munich and Tim Bergbrede at Dortmund, they both have some custom made LIMS systems that they either developed themselves or with a company.

Two of my technicians used PIMS in their previous labs and they were also not happy with it.  If you like I can put you in touch with them, though I don't know how much they would be able to help you (I only tried it out once myself).


I can let you know about our LabCollector experience in a few months!





Posted on 04-Jun-2013 16:41 CEST

Thanks Peggy!!! 

Yes please, it would be very nice if you could give a feedback whenever you have an idea of whether it is convinient or not, I think it would be helpful for all of us! I am also concerned about long-time reliability... What impressions do you have on that?

I talked with Sabine about their custom system, and it seemed to be very nice, but I don't think our Informaticians here at IRBB would develop anything like that...



Posted on 05-Jun-2013 11:10 CEST

PiMS is now developed in partnership between STFC, Emerald Bio, and other academic contributors (currently Oxford University and the University of Oulu). More details of this partnership are here:

As a result of this collaboration, the Instruct hosted PiMS service has been updated to version 4.4. This version is now available for local installations.

The license agreement for PiMS has changed. Academic groups are asked to sign the appropriate licence: pimsacademicuseronly FINAL.docx

and return a copy to:

Chris Morris, Daresbury Laboratory,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD

   Fax: +44 (0)1925 603634

Then you will receive a link to download the new It is used in the upgrade procedure.

As a further result of the collaboration, PiMSPro(Tm) is also available for beta test by industrial users.  Please contact pnollert@embios.comfor more information and for a copy of the necessary beta test site agreement.

The future development of PiMS for academic use is overseen by a board consisting of the signatories of this email. Planned work for 2013 includes:

* reporting key performance indicators for the laboratory's work

* sending sample descriptions to Diamond Light Source

* better user management

Please contact us if you have suggestions.

New academic installations of PiMS are for groups of up to six active users. Existing academic installations continue to be unlimited.PiMS 4.4 includes the following changes:

* A new, more modern look. Thanks to Emerald Bio for these changes.

* Support for recording crystal treatments. Thanks to Ed Daniel, University of Oulu, for these changes.

* Performance improvements for search pages. Thanks to Jon Diprose, University of Oxford, for these changes.

* Support for sample preparation for NMR. Thanks to Antonio Rosato, CERM, for guidance.

* Support for planning

* Records of completed experiments are now locked, and permission to unlock them can be limited to a few userids.

* Improved help files, including links to training videos.

* faster display of diagrams, without requiring Java on the user's computer.

* support for touch screens, except that the plate experiment functionality does not yet work on touch screens.

* updates to the facilities for downloading target details, to keep up to date with changes in the public databases.

98 issues have been closed. A list of changes in PiMS4.4 is at:


The known defects are listed at:

If you have problems with PiMS, please contact:


The PiMS forum is at:


The PiMS email list is at:

To subscribe, please email

Posted on 20-Jun-2013 15:57 CEST

Hi Raquel,

Have you heard about Khemia Software's Omega 11 LIMS? If you have not then let me introduce a bit about it. Khemia is one of the most trustable companies providing LIMS software in Livonia Michigan. Its advanced laboratory information management software called omega 11 is specially designed for analytical and environmental laboratories to increase work efficiency. Omega 11 is designed under extremely qualified and experienced professionals to meet your lab data management needs. we would recommend using it once.


Posted on 24-Jun-2014 12:54 CEST