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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Research Associate

Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 10 Apr 2013

This project forms part of the Strategic Alliance between Cancer Research UK, Newcastle University and Astex Pharmaceuticals and is based in the laboratory of Professors Jane Endicott and Martin Noble. You will participate in structural biology and computational structure exploitation to support the design and synthesis of novel small-molecules as anti-tumour agents.

You will have an undergraduate degree in a relevant science subject, preferably biomedical and a PhD (candidates who have submitted their thesis will be considered) in the area of protein biochemistry or biophysics, or X-ray crystallography. You will have experience of presenting work at scientific meetings and expertise in recombinant protein expression in bacteria and higher eukaryotic expression systems for structural studies.

You will be able to demonstrate capacity for original thought and a high level of analytical skills and have excellent communication and team-working skills.

There are two positions available, tenable for 2 years from March 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Interviews will be held the weeks commencing 22 and 29 April 2013

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof Jane Endicott via email at or Professor Martin Noble via email at

For further details and application information, please click here.