Change of date: ARIA will be unavailable on 25th February 2025 due to scheduled maintenance. Please plan work accordingly.

Adding a job to the Website

  1. Go to and login.
  2. Click on “Your Admin” on the ARIA bar at the bottom of the page. (If you cannot see this then you can access the page via
  3. Click on the “Content management” book-shaped icon.
  4. Click on “Jobs”, then “Add Job”.
  5. Add a title.
  6. Fill in the Job description directly or copy and paste the news item details into the form. Hyperlinks in the description can be added with the “Link” option in the toolbar.
  7. Add tag words followed by commas.
  8. Select the type of position offered (Contract/Permanent/Other).
  9. Input the closing date and time for applications using the calendar by clicking in the “Closing date” box. Alternatively the closing date and time can be input as text formatted DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm
  10. Add a contact with an ARIA account in the contact box.
  11. Enter the location and the country of the job into the relevant fields.
  12. Clicking “Calculate Lat/Lng” should populate the coordinate and Timezone fields.
  13. Verify that the time in the Closing Date corresponds to the Timezone input.
  14. Once everything is complete, click “Add Item”.
  15. The job will then be sent for moderation. Once approved it should appear on the Instruct website

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