A workshop on advanced methods in multidimensional magnetic resonance processing will take place at the Weizmann Institute, from November 28-30, 2017.
For further information and to register please visit webpage. This page includes a brief “overview” of the workshop, as well as registration instructions.
NMRbox is a cloud-accessible computational platform populated with 100+ software packages for computation and analysis in biomolecular NMR. The workshop will provide an introduction to NMRbox, with an emphasis on nonuniform sampling (NUS) and non-Fourier methods used to process NUS data. Prominent investigators will highlight critical data processing workflows.
Michael Levitt, Stanford
Tatyana Polenova, Delaware
Hari Arthanari, Dana Farber
Wiktor Koźmiński, University of Warsaw
Rina Rosenzweig, Weizmann
Mihajlo Novakovic, Weizmann
Darón Freedberg, FDA
Mark Maciejewski, UConn Health / NMRbox
Bruce Johnson, CUNY
Jeff Hoch, UConn Health / NMRbox
Adam Schuyler, UConn Health / NMRbox