Diamond Light Source Ltd will hold a two-day seminar which is designed to provide a great opportunity for researchers from a diverse range of organizations to share their experience in image segmentation using SuRVoS. The seminar will cover the topics of application of machine learning and crowdsourcing platform (Zooniverse) which are rapidly evolving fields in image processing. There will be a hands-on training for the researchers who are interested to apply SuRVoS in their projects.
The first day will primarily be a collection of short research talks/poster session. The second day will be a training workshop where the basics of SuRVoS Workbench will be detailed, allowing you to conduct the segmentation of 3D structural biology data. SuRVoS combines shallow machine learning, feature detection and super-region building for smarter, quicker segmentation and analysis.
For more information and to apply, click here.