Instruct-ERIC Events

Structural Biology Platform FINStruct and Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland 2024 Annual Meeting

Date: 07-Nov-2024


FINStruct 2024 Annual meeting will be held on 7 November 2024 at the University of Oulu. The event consists of talks by invited speakers, young scientists and companies as well as a poster session to present your work and meet the staff of various core facilities.


Registration and Programme


Date and Time: 7 November 2024 | 9:00-17:00
Venue: 101A, Leena Palotie auditorium, Aapistie 5, Oulu
FINStruct is the Structural Biology Platform of Biocenter Finland and coordinates all research infrastructure requirements of the national structural biology network. It provides integrated structural biology services and training to support research and innovation in life sciences. FINStruct services are provided by core facilities at five universities (Helsinki, Oulu, Eastern Finland, Turku, and Åbo Academic), and coordinated by the University of Helsinki. Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland is a national node of Instruct-ERIC, one of the operators at the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).