The CEINBIO are running a course sponsored by CeBEM on "Structural Biology in Redox Processes" from 6-10 November 2017 in Montevideo Uruguay.
The course will provide fundamentals for structural biology applications for redox events in proteins such as post-translational oxidative modifications, aggregation and redox catalysis. A problem-based focus will show how structural biology approaches can be applied to understand and resolve functional aspects in model proteins.
Methods to be discuss includes: Resonance Raman, X-ray crystallography, Molecular Dynamics, EPR, Fluorescence, Circular Dichroism , NMR.
Invited Professors
Alejandro Buschiazzo, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Darío Estrín, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Richard Garratt, Universidad de San Pablo
Luciana Hannibal, Freiburg University
Daniel Murgida, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Javier Santos, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Alejandro Vila, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
The course is directed to advanced PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and young researchers. Financial support is available for a number of selected regional students to cover transportation and lodging.
Deadline: September, 10th.
For inquires and application please write to Dr. Rafael Radi: