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Instruct-ERIC Events

RI-PATHS workshop at CERN

Date: 13-Nov-2018

Contact: Madalena Gallagher

RI-PATHS participatory workshop will take place at CERN, Geneva on Tuesday, 13 November 2018.

Workshop objective

The goal of the workshop is to gather practitioners (RI managers, policy makers, experts) that have experience working for/with research infrastructures whose predominant mission is to facilitate fundamental research. Through participatory knowledge-sharing exercises RI-PATHS project team aims to generate a collective understanding among the participants on when, how and under what conditions investment in research infrastructures bring about various types of socio-economic impacts. The workshop participants will be asked to focus on establishing common foundations as to which impact pathways are the most relevant and feasible to account for in an impact assessment exercise.

Workshop agenda

The meeting will take place at CERN premises from 8:30-13:00. After the lunchbreak a guided tour of CERN premises is planned (provisionally from 13:45 until 17:00). The guided tour is optional for workshop participants. 

For all immediate questions that are decisive for your ability to attend the workshop please contact the project manager Elina Griniece, If you have further questions on the meeting agenda, logistics and other organisational details, please enter them in the online form.

Geneva, Switzerland

RI-PATHS workshop at CERN