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Instruct-ERIC Events

PSB Symposium on Dynamics in Structural Biology

Date: 06-Jul-2023 to 07-Jul-2023

Since its inception, structural biology has sought more detail at ever-improved resolutions. Methodological developments have since allowed structural analyses of macromolecular assemblies of increasing size and complexity. However, in order to fully understand the mechanistics and dynamics of complex cellular machineries, it is of crucial importance to place these interdisciplinary results in an appropriate biological context using information from all resolution levels - from atomic detail to cellular and higher levels of organisation.

The fourth edition of the PSB biennial Symposium will focus on "Dynamics in Structural Biology”, and the aim of this meeting is to illustrate how big biological questions can be resolved in structural biology through the application of interdisciplinary methodological approaches (including, but not limited to, cryo-electron microscopy and tomography, NMR and EPR spectroscopy, X-ray serial crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELs, super resolution microscopy, MD simulations, atomic-force microscopy, and neutron and X-ray scattering methods), enhancing our understanding of the dynamic behaviour of macromolecules.

Several Instruct-ERIC Facilities are represented by speakers at the conference: