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Instruct-ERIC Events

Presenting Instruct Spain to the Slovakian Structural Biology Community

Date: 17-Feb-2022

Contact: Jose Carazo


The Instruct-ERIC Spain Centre is conducting a presentation series to specific European countries, demonstrating the vast array of structural biology tools, machinery and techniques that are available to the European community.

The latest virtual meeting will take place 17 February 2022, and will introduce members of the Slovakian structural biology community to Instruct-ERIC and CNB-CSIC, the National Centre of Biotechnology in Spain.

CNB-CSIC is home to two Instruct-ERIC services: CryoEM, and the I2PC Imaging Processing facility, both housed in the same building.

Take a look at the programme below - the meeting will open at 10:15 CET, 17th February. Find out more about Instruct-ES here.


Join the Meeting Here


Time (CET) Talk Title Speaker
10:15 - 10:30 Introduction José María Carazo - Head of Instruct Image Processing Center (CNB-Madrid)
10:30 - 11:00 CryoEM CSIC Facility: Open access for structure determination via iNEXTdiscovery and Instruct-ERIC Francisco Javier Chichón - CryoEM Facility (CNB-Madrid)
11:00 - 11:15 Q&A  
11:15 - 11:45 Instruct Image Processing Center: An Instruct-ES service for cryoEM Single Particle Analysis Marcos Gragera - Instruct Image Processing Center (CNB-Madrid)
11:45 - 12:00 Q&A - Discussion/Closure  
