Instruct-ERIC Events

Online Seminar “EU-CELAC cooperation on research infrastructures. Formalizing collaboration between RIs in EU and LAC; and coordination with networks of National Contact Points (NCPs)

Date: 18-Feb-2021

Contact: Claudia Alen Amaro

Instruct Partner

Online Seminar: “EU-CELAC cooperation on research infrastructures”

Formalizing collaboration between RIs in EU and LAC

Coordination with networks of National Contact Points (NCPs)

hosted by the EU-CELAC Working Group on Research Infrastructures

On behalf of the EU-CELAC Working Group on Research Infrastructures, we are pleased to invite you to the Online Seminar “EU-CELAC cooperation on research infrastructures. Formalizing collaboration between RIs in EU and LAC; and coordination with networks of National Contact Points (NCPs)”. During the webinar you will have the opportunity to further discuss practical aspects of bi-regional RI collaboration and to reconnect with participants from the Cooperation Workshops which we organized in 2020.

When: 18th February 2021, 16:15 – 18:00 hrs. (CET)

Where: WebEx


  • Dr. Federica Paina, External Relations Manager, Euro-BioImaging and Global-BioImaging, Germany
  • Dr. Chris Wood, National Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy, UNAM, Mexico
  • Claudia Romano, Coordinator LAC NCP Network, Agencia Uruguaya Cooperación Internacional, AUCI, Uruguay
  • Daniele Gizzi, RIs NCP and deputy coordinator of the RICH network, Agency for the Promotion of European Research, APRE, Italy