Helsinki Institute of Life Science will showcase uses of cryo-EM (cryogenic electron microscopy) in studying biological mechanisms at different levels of complexity - ranging from macromolecules to cells. Distinguished international speakers will discuss how cryo-EM is now helping to understand illness and how it is starting to inform drug discovery. We welcome anyone who is interested in hearing about cutting-edge science and methods bridging cell biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, virology, and microbiology. Please save the date - 28th February 2019, 09:00-17:00
To whom: Students, post docs, staff. Anyone interested in hearing about cutting edge science and bio-imaging methods bridging cell biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, virology, and microbiology.
SPEAKERS Keynote speakers: Richard Henderson, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2017 (MRC LMB, Cambridge) Hong Zhou (UCLA, Los Angeles) Invited speakers: Radu Aricescu (MRC LMB, Cambridge) Ariane Briegel (University of Leiden) Liz Carpenter (Structural Genomics Consortium, Oxford) Ruben Fernandez-Busnadiego (MPI Biochemistry, Martinsried) Kay Grunewald (Center for Structural Systems Biology, Hamburg) Wanda Kukulski (MRC LMB, Cambridge) Tzviya Zeev Ben Mordehai (Utrecht University) Peijun Zhang (eBIC and University of Oxford)