SEMC and NCCAT will be offering a 1 week workshop focused on the theory and practice of tomographic methods. The mornings will have lectures and stimulating round table discussions. The afternoons provide hands-on practicals to reinforce fundamental concepts and topics covered earlier in the day.
Day 1: Monday, April 13, 2020
Roundtable: Welcome
Lecture 1: Keynote – Intro and overview of ET – Wei Dai (Rutgers University)
Practical 1: ET sample preparation – HPF/Plunge freezers
Practical 2: cryoCLEM-FIB-ET workflow
Day 2: Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Lecture 2: FIB-SEM – Bill Rice (New York University)
Roundtable: Making windows into cells
Practical 3: Krios cryoET data collection
Day 3: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Lecture 3: Cryo-Applications and sub-tomogram averaging – Alex Noble (NYSBC/SEMC)
Roundtable: Choosing the right in situ target and model system
Practical 4: Appion Protomo tools and sub-tomogram averaging
Day 4: Thursday, April 16, 2020
Lecture 4: Annotation and interpretation of tomographic data – TBD
Roundtable: The future of in situ cellular structural biology
Practical 5: Appion Protomo tools and sub-tomogram averaging (cont.)
Practical 6: Annotation using CNN
Group dinner
Day 5: Friday, April 17, 2020
Roundtable: Wrap up and Farewell
For further information or to apply for a place, click here.