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Instruct-ERIC Events

MXIS 2017 workshop

Date: 08-Nov-2017 to 10-Nov-2017

Contact: Jean-Luc Ferrer


MXIS 2017: Practical course on in-plate crystallography, with special focus on ligand screening

Part 1: 8-10 Nov., at the CNRS campus, Montpellier, France

Part 2: 29 Nov. - 1 Dec., at the EPN campus, Grenoble, France

The MXIS training course is dedicated to in situ protein crystallography, with a special emphasis on ligand screening. This workshop is organized in two parts, each one lasting for 3 days. It includes:

* Part 1 (Montpellier): full lectures at the “Centre de Biochimie Structurale” followed by practicals. Topics: plate pre-coating for “Dry” co-crystallization [1], in situ screening on a lab source).

* Part 2 (Grenoble): full lectures at the “Institut de Biologie Structurale” and practical sessions at the ESRF, on beamlines FIP-BM30A and ID30B. Full classes will be done in day 1 while practical sessions will be organized in subgroups, from day 2 to day 3.

Topics: in situ diffraction for crystal screening and structure resolution, in situ data processing.

Possibility will be given to participants to practice on their own samples. A fragment library may be available to be used on your sample (to be confirmed later on)

The workshop is limited to 6 and 8 participants for Part 1 and 2 respectively.

No fees are required.

The application period will close on the 8th of October. Applicants will be required to submit a short CV and a motivation letter to

Montpellier, France

MXIS 2017 workshop