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Instruct-ERIC Events

MERIL-2 Interoperability Workshop

Date: 25-Jun-2018 to 26-Jun-2018


Interoperability of Research Infrastructures databases in Europe – current approaches and future outlooks

Athens, 25-26 June 2018


The objective of this workshop is to explore the possibility of creating interoperable databases in the future and to discuss current initiatives and practices in RI information gathering.

Topics covered will include:

  • Good practices in RI database management
  • Data model standards and interoperability requirements
  • Avoiding duplication of efforts and maximising the efficiently and quality of data collection
  • Automatic data discovery and harvesting
  • Sustainability and financing
  • Policy context and data protection issues.

Workshop Agenda

Chair and Host – Maro Androutsopoulou – EKT

Co-Chair – Jean-Claude Worms - ESF

June 25

9:30 – 10:00

Registration - Coffee

10:00 – 10:20

Welcome/scope of the workshop (Maro Androutsopoulou - EKT)

10:20 – 10:40

MERIL updates (Jean-Claude Worms - ESF)

10:40 – 10:55

RI profiles conforming with MERIL criteria (Julija Baginskaite - ESF)

10:55 – 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 – 13:00

Collaboration and interoperability (Vasilis Bonis - EKT):

-          Vasilis Bonis – EKT

Interoperability in the context of Research Information Systems

-          Paul Vierkant - GFZ Potsdam

re3data - status quo and future developments

Presentations followed by group discussion moderated by Maro Androutsopoulou and Vasilis Bonis

Discussion Focus Points:

-          Defining interoperability in the context of Research Information Systems

-          Presenting architectural approaches and technical specifications for implementing interoperability schemes in RIS

-          Identifying practical issues and problems that interoperability introduces

13:00 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:00

Case study: ZEUS/WOLF (Yongjoo Kim - NEFC)

15:00 – 15:45

Challenges in data aggregation (Haris Georgiadis - EKT)

Presentation followed by group discussion moderated by Maro Androutsopoulou and Haris Georgiadis

Discussion Focus Points:

-          Policy development for national aggregation: imposing interoperability and ensuring sustainability

-          Homogenization, semantic enrichment and quality improvement of metadata after harvest

-          Improving discoverability, visual presentation and multilingualism of aggregated data

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:30

Generating interest in interoperability at national and international level (Theodoros Papadopoulos - GSCO)


16:30 – 17:15

A semantic approach to STI policy monitoring and analysis (Andres Barreneche – OECD)


17:15 – 17:45

Strategies and policies in cataloguing RIs at the European level (Dominik Sobczak - EC)


June 26

8:45 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:15

Recap of Day 1 (Maro Androutsopoulou - EKT)

9:15 – 10:30

Community input (Jean-Claude Worms - ESF)

-          Tom Demeranville – ORCID

Linking people and infrastructures: research resources in the ORCID record

-          Ivan Andrian - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste

The wayforlight portal facing interoperability and sustainability challenges

-          Nikolaos Thomaidis – FoodOmics


10:30 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 11:30

Sustainability of EC-funded databases and MERIL sustainability (Jean-Claude Worms - ESF)

Presentation followed by group discussion moderated by Jean-Claude Worms

Discussion Focus Points:

-          Ways to achieve full sustainability of MERIL and other RI-related, EC-funded initiatives

-          Success stories of achieving such sustainability: what worked well, and what did not? Why/why not?

-          Possibility of users and facilities to be involved in the financial model to sustain the initiatives in question

-          Potential financial models to be adopted: institutional contributions, private sponsors, user fees, registration mechanisms, in-kind contributions, ads?

11:30 – 12:45

Roadmap of actions towards interoperability (Vasilis Bonis - EKT)

Group discussion moderated by Vasilis Bonis

Discussion Focus Points:

-          Outlining considerations that must be addressed prior to drawing up an interoperability plan

-          Listing phases that should be included in an interoperability plan specifically for MERIL

-          Generalizing the above so that it is more widely applicable and useful to the community

12:45 – 13:00

Closing notes (Maro Androutsopoulou - EKT)

13:00 – 14:30


Meeting Venue

National Documentation Centre (EKT)

48 Vassileos Constantinou Av GR-11635, Athens

 The building has two entrances: the first is located on Vassileos Constantinou Av (48) and the second on Vassileos Georgiou str. The workshop will take place on the ground floor, signs will indicate the specific meeting rooms.

For specific indication on how to reach, please refer to the website

Contact person: Maro Androutsopoulou +30 210 7273947.

Athens, Greece

MERIL-2 Interoperability Workshop