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Instruct-ERIC Events

Launch Meeting for a proposed ELIXIR Community in Structural Bioinformatics in Basel

Date: 19-Oct-2018

Fri 19 October 2018, 10:00 CET Swissôtel le Plaza Messeplatz, Basel, 25 CH-4058, Switzerland Add to calendar

This meeting will discuss a proposed new ELIXIR Community in Structural Bioinformatics – 3DBioInfo.ELIXIR Communities enable the participation of communities of practice in different areas of the life sciences in the activities of ELIXIR, which underpin the evolution of a data, tools, interoperability, compute and training infrastructure for European life science informatics. ELIXIR supports its formally recognised Communities by providing funding for workshops and short collaborative projects associated with the Community.

Structural bioinformatics has a broad impact across the life sciences and provides tools to archive, visualise, analyse, annotate, and predict molecular structures. The science of structural bioinformatics is traditionally very strong in Europe offering many software tools, methodologies, and databases, as well as community-wide prediction challenges. Its applications cover research activities from structural biology to drug discovery and personalised medicine that are all well represented within the national ELIXIR nodes.

At the meeting we will have presentations from structural bioinformatics groups engaged in or planning ELIXIR endorsed activities around structure based analyses and prediction methods. There will also be presentations from other ELIXIR communities with related interests and from ELIXIR platforms with guidance on how structural bioinformatics groups can collaborate with ELIXIR support. Importantly, we will have a session planning the activities and aims that will form the basis of a white paper to submit to the ELIXIR hub for endorsement as a Community in Structural Bioinformatics.

This meeting will be held on Friday 19th October, the day after the SWISS-MODEL 25th Anniversary Symposium, being held at the same venue. It is not necessary to register for the SWISS-MODEL meeting to attend the 3D-BioInfo meeting. 

The meeting will start at 10.00 am and end at 5.30pm.

There will be a cost of 50 CHF to register for the meeting.

The meeting will be capped at 100 participants so please register soon to avoid disappointment.

Full details, including how to register can be found here

Call for abstracts and posters: If you would like to give a flash talk (one slide) to advertise a poster at the meeting on a proposed ELIXIR activity (involving collaborations across two or more groups within an ELIXIR node and preferably involving two or more nodes) please send a summary (maximum one page) to outlining the groups and ELIXIR nodes involved and the ELIXIR platforms this activity would relate to i.e. interoperability, data, tools, compute or training. The proposed activity should ideally involve two or more platforms.  

Deadline for the abstracts: September 30th

Ideas presented at the meeting will be considered for inclusion in the application to become an ELIXIR Community. 

Further information

For information on the timelines for forming an ELIXIR Community in Structural Bioinformatics please follow link.

For information on suggested major themes and activities of the 3D-BioInfo Community – please see link. You are welcome to add comments to the document on additional activities.

Basel, Switzerland

Launch Meeting for a proposed ELIXIR Community in Structural Bioinformatics in Basel