Instruct-ERIC Events

Joint Instruct-ARBRE MOBIEU Workshop: The Quality Control Training School

Date: 14-Oct-2019 to 18-Oct-2019

Contact: Naomi Gray



The quality control training school: From sample preparation and optimisation towards biophysical characterisation and integrative structural studies


This training school is aimed at structural biologists who want to improve their skills in sample analysis and optimization for structural techniques, in particular Cryo-EM. The course will cover different biochemical and biophysical techniques such as chromatography, dynamic and static light scattering, viscometry, circular dichroism, mass spectrometry, and differential scanning fluorimetry. Hands on training will be provided on basic quality control of protein as well as buffer and storage optimization. Trainees will be allowed to bring their own samples to use during the practical sessions. These sessions will be complemented with dry practical tutorials on purification strategies as well as on the choice of molecular scale biophysical measurements to complement structural determination. At the end of the course, trainees should have all the necessary know how to apply these measurements in their own institution.


The workshop will take place at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, France.


Bertrand Raynal, email:


The course will aim at trainees with little experience in the domain: early career staff, or people in need of new scientific skills: PhD students, post-Doc, research scientist scientific staff, core facility staff. 16 trainees will be selected and non selected trainees will be offer the possibility to participate as free auditor of the plenary lectures.

The plenary lectures will be open to free auditors after compulsory but free registration.

Trainee selection

This course will be opened to 16 selected participants that should come from places where such training is not available locally or in close proximity.

Selection will be done using the submitted submission form. The scientific committee will promote the selection of candidates who are from institution without expertise in this type of methodologies and technologies. The participants should show that the outcome of the course will be used rapidly in their projects and activities.

People willing to only participate as free auditors, will be selected on first arrive first serve basis.

Fee and bursaries

Academic Fee:
For full participants 75€, including coffee break, lunch and the workshop dinner.
For free auditors 0 € (Compulsary registration)

Indistrial Fee: Please contact us
Fee will only be charged after selction of the trainee by the scientific committee


8 Full participants bursaries of 400€ will be offered
The bursaries will be given in priority to participants who have little or no access to institutional training budget such as PhD students and post-Docs.



Bertrand Raynal, Sébastien Brûlé, Sylviane Hoos, Christine Detchepare, Bruno Baron, Patrick England


Patrick England (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)

Stefan Knauer (Universität Bayreuth Germany)

Stephan Uebel (MaxPlank Institute of Biochemistry, Munich Germany)

Maria Garcia Alai (EMBL Hamburg Germany)

Michaela Wimmerová (CEITEC Brno Czech Republic)

Bertrand Raynal (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)

How to apply

Register at the workshop registration page on the ARBRE MOBIEU website.

A. To apply for lectures and praticals (16 trainees maximum). Deadline 28/07/2019 midnight

Please follow the instructions on the submission section. 

  • In the title put " Application of " and your name. Example: "Application of Albert Einstein"
  • In the abstract summarize all your scientific interest in 10 lines.
  • Then fill out the trainee motivation form and upload it.

Then fill the registration section. You will be contacted for the payement only if your application is selected. 

B. To apply for lectures as free auditor (50 auditors maximum). Deadline 30/09/2019 midnight. You only have to fill the registration section.


Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Joint Instruct-ARBRE MOBIEU Workshop: The Quality Control Training School