Instruct-ERIC Events

ITACA.SB Webinar Series Fall-Winter 2024/2025

Date: 16-Oct-2024 to 12-Mar-2025

Instruct Partner

The ITACA.SB project is dedicated to enhancing the structural biology (SB) services offered by the Italian centre of Instruct-ERIC, aiming to achieve three main objectives that focus on improving the quality and quantity of the Italian centre CERM/CIRMMP’s exploitation by both Italian and European users. This initiative seeks to elevate the level of research in Life Sciences within Italy, enhance international visibility and competitiveness for EC funding, and address specific bottlenecks faced by Italian structural biologists in accessing Instruct-ERIC services.


Join all ITACA.SB Webinars Here


Upcoming Winter webinars:

October 16th 2024, 15.00-16.00
Glycoproteins and in-cell NMR
Chair: Marco Fragai (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Alba Silipo (Univertsity of Naples, Italy)
Title: Carbohydrates as keywords in the molecular dialogue
Speaker 2: Enrico Luchinat (University of Florence, Italy)
Title: “Detecting protein-drug interactions in human cells by real-time 19F NMR”


November 13th 2024, 15.00-16.00
Integrated approaches to study intrinsically disordered proteins
Chair: Isabella Felli (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Michael Assfalg (University of Verona, Italy)
Title: "The impact of ubiquitination on the conformational properties of tau protein in solution"
Speaker 2: Marco Schiavina (University of Florence, Italy)
Title:”Exploring the structural and dynamic landscape of IDPs and multidomain proteins using direct 13C NMR”


December 9th 2024, 16.30-17.30
SAXS & other low resolution techniques
Chair: Enrico Ravera (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Dina Schneidman (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Title: "Modeling large macromolecular assemblies in the age of deep learning"
Speaker2: Fabio Baroni (Merck Group, Guidonia, Italy)
Title: "Development of high-resolution biophysical methods for the structural characterization of biologics under the Quality by Design paradigm"


January 15th 2025, 15.00-16.00
Macromolecular complexes
Chair: Roberta Pierattelli (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Francesco Berti (GSK Vaccines, Siena, Italy)
Title: “Recent advancements in the glycoconjugate vaccines field”
Speaker 2: Linda Cerofolini (University of Florence, Italy)
Title: Selectivity in target recognition by full-length clinically approved monoclonal antibodies


February 12th 2025, 15.00-16.00
Computational approaches
Chair: Antonio Rosato (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Robbie Joosten (Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands)
Title: "PDB-REDO et al.: online resources for your structural biology research"
Speaker 2: Paolo Carloni (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany)
Title: “In silico drug design in the exascale era: a perspective from Juelich”


March 12th 2025, 15.00-16.00
Challenging metalloproteins
Chair: Lucia Banci (University of Florence, Italy)
Speaker 1: Nick Le Brun (University of East Anglia, UK)
Title: “Iron-sulfur cluster proteins as sensor -regulators of environmental change”
Speaker 2: Francesca Camponeschi (University of Florence, Italy)
Title: “Integrated approaches to unravel the complex(iti)es of Iron-Sulfur protein biogenesis “


Organizing committee of all webinars:
Isabella Felli, Marco Fragai, Enrico Ravera and Antonio Rosato
