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Instruct-ERIC Events

Instruct-ERIC Portugal Webinar

Date: 15-Jun-2021

Contact: Maria Carrondo

Instruct Partner

On June 15, the Portuguese Community of Instruct-ERIC users, associated via the Portuguese Centre for Integrated Structural Biology (PCISBIO), will hold its 3rd meeting.

The meeting will be held online, using Zoom, and will focus on the participation of Portuguese researchers in two Instruct-ERIC activities: a PhD student’s internship in Helsinki (Andreia Fernandes, ITQB NOVA) and an R&D pilot project recently approved (Hugo Oliveira, Minho University). The programme will be available in the Instruct Hub website and in the ITQB NOVA website.


The meeting, which is usually held every two years, was scheduled for 2020, but was postponed in light of the pandemic.

PhD candidate Andreia Fernandes from Macromolecular Crystallography Unit ITQB NOVA, in front of Biocenter 1 at Viikki Campus of University of Helsinki, during her Instruct internship/ IMpaCT Early Career Exchange for learning single particle cryo-EM (September 2020)

The webinar programme can be found below, or on the PCISBIO website.

Register for the event here.


Time (BST) Speaker Title of Talk
14:00 - 14:30 Susan Daenke
Instruct-ERIC Hub Coordinator
A year in Instruct-ERIC: from crisis to solutions
14:30 - 14:45 Maria Armenia Carrondo
Summary on last year participation in Instruct activities
14:50 - 15:10 Margarida Archer
Accomplishments within Instruct-Ultra
15:15 - 15:45 Carlos Cordeiro
Magnetic resonance mass spectrometry for structural research at FC-UL
15:50 - 16:10 Andreia Fernandes
Structure determination of Deinococcus radiodurans DNA polymerase I (DrPoll) and DrPoll:DNA complex by cryoEM
16:15 - 16:45 Hugo Oliveira
Universidade do Minho
Reprograming bacteriophage tailspikes through structure-guided design
17:00 - 17:30   Q&A Session

Lisbon, Portugal

Instruct-ERIC Portugal Webinar