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Instruct-ERIC Events

ICRI 2022 Side Event - International Cooperation of Research Infrastructures: Building on the outcomes of the RI-VIS Project

Date: 19-Oct-2022

Contact: Natalie Haley


Instruct Partner

Join us at ICRI 2022 for our side event.

RI-VIS Logo           eRImote Logo


Scientific research is global in nature, as recently epitomised by the COVID-19 pandemic, international cooperation in research and public health is crucial to minimise loss of life and impact on global health and the global economy. Geographical diversity in climate, ecosystems and disease prevalence also provides a key motivator for international collaboration involving research infrastructures to maximise scientific discovery.

Virtual registration is still available for the side event.




The recently concluded RI-VIS project brought together research infrastructure stakeholders in different world regions: Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Australia, at biregional networking and partnering symposia to seed new cooperations between the regions. RI-VIS also analysed engagement between the regions and provided recommendations and guidelines for forming international partnerships between RIs.

Now, 9 months on from the end of the RI-VIS project, we look at lessons learnt from the project and what has been achieved since, including the newly launched eRImote project, but also consider next steps and how bottlenecks identified during the RI-VIS project can be overcome. Moreover, speakers will also touch upon key challenges that both, third countries and ERICs are facing in the process of applying for membership and observer status in ERICs, and in making infrastructures “go-global” with the expansion of remote and virtual access.





Brno, Czech Republic

ICRI 2022 Side Event - International Cooperation of Research Infrastructures: Building on the outcomes of the RI-VIS Project