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Instruct-ERIC Events

FEBS Course: Computational approaches to understanding and engineering enzyme catalysis

Registration Date: 30-Mar-2021 to 30-Jun-2021
Date: 19-Oct-2021 to 22-Oct-2021

Contact: Rik Wierenga

Instruct Partner

FEBS practical and lecture course, supported also by the Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme, University of Oulu Graduate School in Oulu, Finland.

Course Date: 19–22 October 2021.

Location: FBMM, University of Oulu.



This 4-day course will bring together computational and experimental (bio)chemistry experts who will give comprehensive lectures on understanding and engineering enzyme catalysis. Hands-on practical sessions will be focused on how to use state-of-the-art software and webservers.

The five focus areas are:

i- the EBI enzyme portal

ii- MD simulations with GROMACS

iii- FuncLib and PROSS for protein design using structure and sequence alignments

iv- CAVER, CaverDock and CaverWeb for analysis and visualization of tunnels, channels and cavities in protein structures

v- DynaComm for the computational prediction of active site and distal mutations for novel function.

This will be complemented by lectures on the EVB, QM/MM methods and qFIT for multiconformer modeling. In addition, experimental researchers will give lectures on how these in silico approaches complement their research on enzyme catalysis.

The deadline for applications to this course is 30 June 2021.

For more information and to apply, click here.

FBMM, University of Oulu, Finland

FEBS Course: Computational approaches to understanding and engineering enzyme catalysis