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Instruct-ERIC Events

FEBS Practical course

Registration Date: 30-May-2018 to 30-Jun-2018
Date: 23-Sep-2018 to 28-Sep-2018

Contact: Ondrej Vanek


Registration is now open for the FEBS Practical course "Hydrodynamic and thermodynamic analysis of biological macromolecules andtheir interactions". The aim of this course, cosponsored by Instruct and COST, is to provide theoretical, practical and data analysis training in several modern methods for monitoring and quantifying molecular interactions – analytical ultracentrifugation, isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, microscale thermophoresis, differential scanning fluorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques; coupled with several other techniques used for detecting molecular interactions and characterization of biomolecules, i.e. dynamic light and small-angle X-ray scattering, and structural mass spectrometry (cross-linking, H/D-exchange).

The course will provide brief theoretical introduction to the biophysical concepts underlying these methods, practicalities to prepare samples and set-up experiments, experimental demonstrations performed on state-of-art instruments present in the Centre of Molecular Structure, BIOCEV and at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Approximately half of the course is devoted to practical training in data analysis and evaluation, including combined analysis of datasets coming from different methods (global data analysis).

Date: 23-28 September 2018

Venue: Prague, Czech Republic

Course title: Hydrodynamic and thermodynamic analysis of biological macromolecules and their interactions

Deadline for applications 30th June 2018

Deadline for FEBS YTF travel fellowships 15th June 2018

To book your place and for more information please click on this website.

Prague, Czech Republic

FEBS Practical course