Instruct-ERIC Events

ESFRI Workshop – Monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks, use of KPIs

Date: 19-Nov-2018 to 20-Nov-2018

On November 19 and 20, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is organizing a workshop on monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks and use of KPIs, in Milan. The venue will be Palazzo delle Stelline, in Milan, Italy.

 Drawing from the Pilot Periodic Review Exercise carried out with 4 Landmarks and considering EU Council Conclusions of 29 May 2018 on developing a common methodology for monitoring of RIs and on the European Open Science Cloud, the workshop aims in particular at addressing the need to develop a proper methodology for the periodic update on the State of Play of ESFRI Landmarks and to foster their long-term sustainability.

The rationale for the workshop is to:

  • follow-up of ESFRI Pilot Periodic Review Exercise with 4 ESFRI Landmarks performed in 2017.
  • build on the need to develop a methodology for periodic update of ESFRI Landmarks "State of Play", defining the periodicity and appropriate, flexible KPIs.
  • explore how the monitoring of Research Infrastructures can support their sustainability, taking into account the results of the Long Term Sustainability report.

More information can be found on the website.

Milan, Italy

ESFRI Workshop – Monitoring of RIs, periodic update of Landmarks, use of KPIs