We would like to announce the EMBO workshop: Time-resolved spectroscopy meets time-resolved crystallography. The future of dynamic photobiology which will take place virtually from 17th to 19th April 2023.
This workshop aims to bring together workers from the fields of time-resolved spectroscopy and time-resolved X-ray techniques as well as theoreticians in order to present their recent works and discuss the synergy of the experimental techniques to advance our understanding of light-induced biological dynamic processes and foster new collaborations between the different fields. To this goal, the workshop will also highlight the cutting-edge instrumentation that facilitates ‘game-changing’ advances in biological dynamical processes.
Invited speakers are: Camila Bacellar Cases de Silveira (PSI), Giulio Cerullo (Politecnico di Milano), Jacques-Phillipe Colletier (IBS, Grenoble), Greg Greethman (CLF),Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (Yale University), Miroslav Kloz (ELI Beamlines), Matteo Levantino (ESRF), Steve Meech (University of East Anglia), Eriko Nango (Tohoku University), Abbas Ourmazd (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee), Valerie Panneels (PSI), Arwen Pearson (Universität Hamburg), Katalin Pirisi (University of Pécs),Antoine Royant (ESRF), Tullio Scopigno (Sapienza Università di Roma), Marten Vos (IPP, Palaiseau), Martin Weik (IBS, Grenoble), Henrike Werkmeister-Müller(Universität Potsdam).
More information will follow soon. Meanwhile, interested participants can sign up here.
Please address any questions to:
Timea Devai timeadevai7@gmail.com
Sofia M. Kapetanaki kapetanaki@gmail.com
András Lukács andras.lukacs@aok.pte.hu
Giorgio Schirò giorgio.schiro@ibs.fr