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Instruct-ERIC Events

Electron crystallography of 2D crystals of membrane proteins with 2DX, August 17-19, 2016

Date: 22-Aug-2016 to 27-Aug-2016

Contact: Henning Stahlberg

The fifth 2DX Workshop on Electron Crystallography of Membrane Proteins, will take place at the University of Basel (Switzerland), on August 22-27, 2016. The workshop will provide hands-on training on practical aspects of 2D crystal data collection on a Titan Krios, and cover in depth the theoretical foundations and the practical image processing of 2D crystal cryo-EM images with the 2DX software package. No previous experience is required.

Topics include:

Basics of 2D electron crystallography

• Introduction to 2D electron crystallography

• Cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation for 2D crystals of membrane proteins

• Cryo-EM data collection of 2D crystals

• Introduction to 2DX

• Drift correction using ZORRO

Basic image processing with 2DX

• Determination of the defocus, crystal tilt geometry, crystal lattice

• Crystal Unbending - including movie-mode drift correction of individual unit cells in dose-fractionated image series

• 2D merging and 3D merging with reconstruction via weighted back projection

• Automation of the processing pipeline

Advanced topics in image processing with 2DX

• Approaches for a partial reconstruction of amplitudes and phases inside of the missing cone

• Processing of 2D crystal unit cells with RELION and FREALIGN, under exploitation of neighborhood correlation of certain image parameters

• Advanced usage of the 2DX backend library

• Preparation of final results with quantitative description of statistical values (e.g., resolution) for export to databases (EMDB).

Computing infrastructure will be provided in place and participants are welcome to bring their own data sets and/or computer (OSX or Linux). More information can be found at

For registration, please include information about your affiliation, and a short motivation statement (max 200 words).

The registration fee is 250 CHF (travel and accommodation is not included), registration deadline is June 30th. As we can only provide a limited number of workstations, we typically accept participants on a "first come - first serve” basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions. Looking forward to welcoming you in Basel,

Nikhil Biyani,

Ricardo Righetto,

Robert McLeod,

Henning Stahlberg.

Henning Stahlberg, PhD

Prof. for Structural Biology, C-CINA, Biozentrum, University Basel

Mattenstrasse 26 | D-BSSE | WRO-1058 | CH-4058 Basel | Switzerland | Tel. +41-61-387 32 62

Basel, Switzerland

Electron crystallography of 2D crystals of membrane proteins with 2DX, August 17-19, 2016