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Instruct-ERIC Events

Electron Cryo Microscopy in Structural Biology course

Date: 06-Nov-2017 to 10-Nov-2017



Electron Cryo Microscopy in Structural Biology course will be taking place from 6th-10th November 2017 at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford

Course aim:

To introduce the principles of Electron Microscopy - please see programme link for further information on the format of the course.

Course format:

A series of lectures over five days, followed by four practical sessions.

Participant numbers:

Maximum for lectures is 30

Maximum places on the practical sessions is 15.

All interested research students and postdoctoral researchers are welcome and need to apply. Please indicate in your application if you would like to attend practical sessions as well as the lectures.

To apply for a place please follow this link

Further information can be obtained from Dr Juha Huiskonen via email

oxford, United Kingdom

Electron Cryo Microscopy in Structural Biology course