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Instruct-ERIC Events

Diamond-II Webinar: Large volume biological 3D X-ray nanoImaging

Date: 10-Nov-2020

Contact: Martin Walsh

Instruct Partner

This webinar is an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the advances being made to exploit X-rays for large volume nanoscale imaging of biological samples. The webinar will provide an overview of Diamond’s imaging capabilities and the new opportunities for biological imaging presented by Diamond-II, a co-ordinated programme of development that includes a major machine upgrade to a low emittance storage ring at higher energy, as well as a portfolio of new and rebuilt beamlines and enhancements to existing ones.

The increased coherence and brightness made available by Diamond-II will open the way to high-throughput nano-imaging of large volume biological samples. As part of the Diamond-II programme, two flagship proposals have been proposed to provide state-of-the-art facilities for hard x-ray ptychography and x-ray holography through major upgrades to the I13 beamline and a dedicated new beamline for 3D biological imaging.

In this webinar, invited speaker Dr. Alexandra Pacureanu from ESRF will summarise her recent work on the application of x-ray holographic nanotomography and x-ray fluorescence imaging for 3D imaging of tissues and cells to provide a flavour of the current and future landscape enabled by synchrotron sources.

Agenda - please note the following timings are GMT (UK time zone):

14:00-14:05 | Introduction to the Diamond-II project - Martin Walsh (Diamond Light Source)

14:05-14:10 | Scientific Opportunities for BioImaging enabled by Diamond-II - Andreas Schaefer (Francis Crick Institute)

14:10-14:45 | Webinar lecture: “X-ray holographic nanotomography and X-ray fluorescence imaging for 3D exploration of tissues and cells” - Alexandra Pacureanu (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF)

14:45-15:00 | Q&A

Find out more and register.

Oxford, United Kingdom

Diamond-II Webinar: Large volume biological 3D X-ray nanoImaging