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Instruct-ERIC Events

Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop 2020

Registration Date: 07-Oct-2020 to 16-Oct-2020
Date: 30-Nov-2020 to 11-Dec-2020

Contact: David Waterman

Instruct Partner

The 7th jointly organised Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop on practical macromolecular crystallography is to take place online this December.

When is it?

As the workshop will be run online, the length of the course has been extended to two weeks, ensuring the same amount of material is covered in a virtual setting with enough breaks away from the screen. Students are also expected to attend a preparation day in advance of the workshop (timings tbc) to ensure they are set up with all relevant software etc. Please see below the workshop days and timings involved:

Preparation day - Monday 23 November 2020
Week 1 - Monday 30 November to Friday 4 December 2020
Week 2 - Monday 7 December to Friday 11 December 2020
Each day will begin at 08:45 and will finish at 17:15 - please note this is GMT (UK time zone)
All students will be expected to attend the workshop in its entirety across the two weeks.

What's the format?

The workshop will consist of presentations and tutorials delivered by experts in the field, plus one day of data collection time at Diamond's excellent MX beamlines. Hosted on Zoom, students will be able to work alongside experts on their own projects, tackling all aspects of structure solution, from data collection through to phasing, refinement and validation.

Who can apply?

The course is intended mainly for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and early career scientists in the area of structural biology. Some experience of crystallography and data collection is expected, and applications from students who can bring an interesting project with them (crystals and possibly previously collected datasets) will be favoured.

Are there any equipment requirements?

Students will need to have the following equipment to take part in the workshop:

  • An internet connection
  • Desktop computer or laptop
  • Acces to two screens is preferred, but not essential
  • Webcam (having your video on throughout the workshop will be expected)
  • Microphone

Students will be given access to most major MX software packages prior to the workshop.

Find out more and apply.

Diamond Light Source, United Kingdom

Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop 2020