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Instruct-ERIC Events

CORBEL Service operator meeting in Berlin

Date: 22-Jan-2018 to 23-Jan-2018

Contact: Marie Vidal


There will be a CORBEL Service operators meeting taking place in Berlin, Germany from 22-23 January.

Work Package 4 Service Operator meeting  Agenda

Schedule: 22nd-23rd January 2018

Location: Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC), Berlin (Germany)

Accommodation: Mercure Hotel Berlin City, Invalidenstrasse  38, 10115 Berlin

   Tel: (+49)30/308260 - Fax: (+49)30/30826100 Mail:

Organization contacts:


Monday, 22nd January 2018

Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC), Robert-Rössle-Str. 10

13125 Berlin-Buch (Communication centre, Building MDC.C Meeting room: Dendrit 2-3)

EU-OPENSCREEN Berlin site visit


Facility guided tour for registered participants

Jens Peter von Kries (FMP, Head of Screening Unit) and Marc Nazaré (FMP, Medicinal Chemistry Group Leader)


Welcome and Introduction




Welcome and short introduction by WP4 lead

Jutta Steinkötter (MDC, Executive management technology platforms and core facilities)


WP4 joint service provision for research projects (Part 1)



CORBEL Access Tracks and service pipelines, project portfolio overview

Marie Vidal (MDC, EU project manager)


Pilot project presentations Session 1



VIP 21: Cystic fibrosis

User: Hugo Botelho, Service providers: Elixir ChEMBL: Nicolas Bosc, ISBE VU: Alexey Kolodkin, EuBI ALMF: ? Instruct CIRMMP: ?



  PID2305: EDC-SysTox: Approaches towards Systems Toxicology model via coupled PBPK/PD-system biology benchmarking dosimetry for safety assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

User: Vikas Kumar, Service providers: ISBE VU: Alexey Kolodkin, Elixir ChEMBL: Nicolas Bosc


PID 2354: Modelling ROS management and mitochondrial dysfunction in models of Parkinson disease

User: Anna Maria Colangelo, Services providers: EuBI ALMF:?, Elixir PDBe: David Armstrong



PID 2298: Novel drugs for targeted therapy of the triple-negative breast cancer based on highly specific inhibitors of the Frizzled receptors, the key players in the Wnt signaling pathway

User: Alexey Koval, Service providers: EU-OS: Bahne Stechmann/Katja Herzog?, Instruct CIRMMP: Francesca Morelli/Rebecca Del Conte?


PID 2350: Screening for porin inducers as novel antimicrobial agents against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

User: Dirk Bumann, Service providers: EU-OS: Bahne Stechmann/Katja Herzog?, Elixir ChEMBL: Nicolas Bosc

15:20- 15:30                  

Service provider: Infrafrontier GMC: Valerie Gailus Durner


Coffee break


Pilot project presentations Session 2


PID 2334: Exploring therapeutic options for serrated and high-grade microsatellite instability colorectal carcinomas

User: Pablo Conesa-Zamora, Service providers: EU-OS: Bahne Stechmann/Katja Herzog?, Instruct, IGBMC?


PID 2325: Studying the mechanics of tissue morphogenesis during sea urchin gastrulation

User: Matteo Rauzi, Service providers: EMBRC CNRS: Magali Siaut, EMBRC SZN: Maria Ina Arnone, EuBI ALMF: ?, EuBI Marine facility?


PID 2358: Morphology and structure of chondrocytes and their association with mineralizing tissues in shark and ray cartilage

User: Mason Dean, Service providers: EuBI ICFO: Jordi Andilla, EMBRC CCMAR: Paulo Gavaia


Social event with time for discussions in small groups


Shuttle bus to the city center


Joint Dinner (Restaurant Die Schule, Kastanienallee 82 10435 Berlin Prenzlauer berg)


Tuesday, 23rd January 2018

Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC), Robert-Rössle-Str. 10

13125 Berlin-Buch (Communication centre, Building MDC.C Meeting room: Dendrit 2-3)


WP4 joint service provision for research projects (Part 2)


Shuttle bus from the hotel to the MDC campus


Pilot project presentations Session 3



VIP 32: Visualising picorna entry in the context of a novel viral entry pathway

User: Anastassis Perrakis, Service providers: EuBI ALMF: ?, Instruct CSIC: Roberto Melero, Elixir Biostudies: Ugis Sarkans


PID 2277: Molecular Insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

User: Maria Correia, Service providers: BBMRI BRFAA: Giannis Vatsellas, ISBE MDC: Altuna Akalin/Bren Osberg?, ISBE VU: Alexey Kolodkin?


PID 2242: Influence of the phenotype and genotype of cytochromes cyp3a4, cyp2d6 and cyp2c9 on the therapeutic response to pde5 inhibitors

User: Luca De Toni, Service providers: BBMRI BRFAA: Giannis Vatsellas, Instruct CIRMMP: Francesca Morelli/Rebecca Del Conte?


Coffee break


European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures

Invited speaker: Federica Paina (Project manager, Euro-BioImaging)


Panel discussion: Science, technology development and services in research infrastructures

Chair:  Jutta Steinkötter and invited panelists: Ivan Baines (Chief Operating Office, MPI-CBG Dresden), Philipp Mertins (Proteomics Platform Head, MDC BIH), Stefan Terjung (Operational Manager of the ALMF, EMBL) and Federica Paina



 WP4 service operator training (closed session for CORBEL service operators)

13:00-17:00        Training sessions

Berlin, Germany

CORBEL Service operator meeting in Berlin