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Instruct-ERIC Events

Computational Structural Biology Working Group

Date: 22-May-2019

Contact: Claudia Alen Amaro

Computational aspects of structural biology are currently represented within Instruct through three centres: CCISB as part of Instruct UK, the Centre for Image Processing at Instruct ES, and the Centre for Bioinformatics as part of Instruct IL. In parallel, the H2020-funded West-Life project 2015-2018 has worked to unify the leading computational developers within Europe, to harmonise their services and allow users to directly pass data between the services. While most services will continue to be developed by individual groups, Instruct has agreed to maintain the integrated environment created by West-Life. 

The CSB Working Group has been created to develop the long-term vision of computation within Instruct. The West-Life infrastructure provides a useful starting point for these activities. The legacy on the West-Life project is being offered at the Instruct catalogue

Alcala de Henares, Spain

Computational Structural Biology Working Group