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Instruct-ERIC Events

FEBS Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis

Registration Date: 30-Jun-2023
Date: 25-Sep-2023 to 29-Sep-2023

Contact: John Dolan

FEBS are delighted to invite you to their second edition of the FEBS Advanced Practical and Lecture Course on Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis, which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, September, 2023. 


Register Here


The course is aimed at disseminating important in silico tools, such that experimental researchers, Ph.D. students, and young postdocs, can apply them in their research projects. The topics addressed in the course are covered by leading scientists. The computational expert speakers will give comprehensive lectures and demonstrations on how to use their web-based applications and software, whereas the experimental researchers will give lectures on how these in silico tools have successfully guided them towards finding answers related to their research in the field of enzyme catalysis. The aim of this advanced course is to bring together computational and experimental communities providing a valuable bridge between theory and experiment. Their program provides opportunities for active interactions between all the participants through lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, discussions, as well as poster and oral presentations given by the student participants.

Zagreb, Croatia

FEBS Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis