CCP4/SPring-8 workshop 1-6 October 2018
Registration Date: 24-Aug-2018
Date: 01-Oct-2018 to 06-Oct-2018
The second CCP4/Spring-8 (RIKEN) workshop is running from 1-6 October 2018. This workshop will cover data collection, processing and structure solution.
To register for a place please follow this link, more information to follow.
Registration will
close on 24 August 2018.
Topics will include XDS (Kay Diederichs), DIALS (Graeme Winter), the CCP4 suite (myself and others),
PDB_REDO (Robbie Joosten), COOT and others. The format will cover data collection, lectures, tutorials and
problem solving, so students are encourages to bring their own data to work on.
List of invited speakers:C. Ballard
CCP4 Group
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
G. Winter
K. Diederichs
Diederichs group
University of Konstanz, Germany
E. Krissinel
CCP4 group, PISA
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
G. Murshudov
Refmac, BALBES
MRC-LMB, Cambridge, UK
R. Joosten
NKI, Netherlands
J. Debreczeni
AstraZeneca, coot
AstraZeneca, UK
G. Bunkozci
Astex Pharmaceuticals, phaser
Astex, UK
M. Isupov
exeter, crystallographer
Exeter University, UK
M. Sravya
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany
E. Sobolev
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany
K. Yamashita
Tokyo University
Tokyo, Japan
K. Hirara
Hyogo, Japan
G. Kurisu
Osaka University, Japan
The list of invited speakers is not yet finalised but the final panel will be confirmed in the near future.