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Instruct-ERIC Events

CCP4 Study Weekend

Registration Date: 10-Nov-2021 to 07-Dec-2021
Date: 05-Jan-2022 to 07-Jan-2022

January will see the 2022 CCP4 Study Weekend. This year’s theme is “Current trends in macromolecular model refinement and validation”

Due to the continuing effects of Covid, the CCP4 Study Weekend in 2022 is going to be held as a hybrid Study Weekend in Nottingham, UK.

Please note - Only people that are UK-based will be able to attend in-person. Any overseas delegates will be accessing the event virtually in a similar way to last year.

The event will be run over 3 days with 3 sessions each day. Old favourites like "What's New in CCP4?" and "Lunchtime Bytes" will also appear each day (see programme for more details). We will also be hosting the Diamond MX User meeting as in previous years.

Sessions will cover:

Session 1: Practical Considerations
Session 2: Prior Information - Restraints and Dictionaries
Session 3: New Developments
Session 4: Refinement Tools
Session 5: Combining Data from Multiple Sources
Session 6: Model Building and Interactive Refinement
Session 7: Validation and Remediation
Session 8: Deposition and Bioinformatics


In keeping with previous CCP4 meetings, the lectures will focus on the presentation and discussion of advanced methods and techniques developed and used by the leaders in the field.

Early bird registration closes 14 November 2021
Final registration deadline: 6 December 2021

Register for the event

Scientific Organisers:
Dr Melanie Vollmar (Diamond Light Source)
Rob Nicholls (MRC-LMB)
Svetlana Antonyuk (University of Liverpool)

Nottingham, United Kingdom

CCP4 Study Weekend