The 2023 Icknield Workshop has now been announced! This course is largely aimed at structural biologists (PhDs, Post-docs, research staff or PI) with EM maps suitable for modelling building and refinement. This course will cover all aspects of modelling building including: map optimisation, automated model building, model fitting, medium resolution refinement, high resolution refinement, interactive refinement, validation and deposition.
The course will be held at the RAL / Diamond campus, Harwell, UK, site of the eBIC national facility. Registration fee is £495.00 and we will provide food and three nights accommodation. Delegates are asked to meet their own travel costs.
The course is limited to 22 in-person delegates which will be selected from all applicants. A maximum of 40 applicants can register interest.
Registration for the workshop will close either when all registration places are taken or by Wednesday 6th September and the 22 successful applicants will be informed the following week.