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Instruct-ERIC Events

CatRIS Focus group on testing and validation of the concept of CatRIS, the Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services

Date: 02-Jul-2019

Contact: Claudia Alen Amaro

CatRIS project answers the needs of physical research infrastructures (RIs) in Europe by making available information on RI services via a future catalogue. This validation workshop gathers RI managers/service providers. It serves the purpose of testing and validating the service catalogue/marketplace concept and providing feedback on specific needs of RI managers/service providers.

The workshop is coordinated by EurOcean. Key questions for participants will focus on core information to be included in the future service catalogue and the main functionalities of the marketplace that are to be developed. The participants are invited to read the draft concept paper for CatRIS that will be circulated before the workshop. The participants will be invited to read the draft concept paper for the catalogue before the workshop. The mock-ups will be presented during the workshop.

Paris, France

CatRIS Focus group on testing and validation of the concept of CatRIS, the Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services