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Instruct-ERIC Events

BioMalPar XV: Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite

Date: 28-May-2019 to 30-May-2019

Malaria remains one of the most significant global public health challenges, with more than 300 million clinical cases worldwide each year. The lack of an effective licensed vaccine and the continual emergence of drug-resistant malaria parasites make the search for new control and prevention strategies more important than ever. Malaria research is a highly collaborative field that depends on the contribution of unique resources, technologies and biological advances. Accessible and timely sharing of these advances through the establishment of new collaborations is vital for their translation into public health impact.

This conference will address fundamental questions of the biology of the malaria parasite, its vector, the (immune) response of the host and the disease that it causes, and will showcase the latest technological approaches. The use of “big data” and computational approaches to tackle fundamental biological questions will be assessed.

For more information please go to the website.

Abstract deadline: 5th March 2019

Registration deadline: 16th April 2019

Venue: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 28 - 30 May 2019

Heidelberg, Germany

BioMalPar XV: Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite